Research Interests: Service operations management, platform operations and market design, strategic queueing and routing, behavioral operations, game theory
Published Works:
Strategic Open Routing in Service Networks, with Alessandro Arlotto and Yehua Wei. (2019) Management Science 65(2):735-750 (SSRN).
Winner, 2019 MSOM Service Management SIG Best Paper Award
Finalist, 2016 MSOM Student Paper CompetitionManaging Relationships Between Restaurants and Food Delivery Platforms: Conflict, Contracts, and Coordination, with Pnina Feldman and Robert Swinney. (2023) Management Science 69(2):812-823 (SSRN).
Service Networks with Open Routing and Procedurally Rational Customers, with Tingliang Huang and Yehua Wei. (2024) POM 33(2):566-576 (SSRN)
Paid Priority in Service Systems: Theory and Experiments, with Elena Katok (2024) M&SOM 26(2):775-795 (SSRN)
Getting Out of Your Own Way: Introducing Autonomous Vehicles on a Ride-Hailing Platform, with Francisco Castro. (2024) POM 33(10):2014-2030 (SSRN)
Optimizing Service Operations with Price- and Density-Dependent Demand: A Copula-Based Approach, with Toghrul Rasulov and Shouqiang Wang. (2025) POM (online ahead of print) (SSRN)
Papers Under Review/Revision:
Rent, Retrieve, Repeat Until Sold: Demand Process Specification and Modular Estimation Framework for the Rent-to-Own Business, with Milad Armaghan, Metin Çakanyıldırım, Dan Glasky, and Divakar Rajamani (Minor Revision at JOM)
Buyout Price Optimization in the Rent-to-Own Business, with Milad Armaghan, Metin Çakanyıldırım, and Divakar Rajamani (under revision for resubmission to M&SOM after second Major Revision)
Media Mentions:
UTD Researchers Deliver New Recipe for Restaurant, App Contracts, UT Dallas News Center, May 20, 2022
A Better Revenue Sharing System for Food Delivery Services, Fuqua Insights, January 11, 2023